The St. Thomas Fine Arts Department serves as a catalyst for students to express and realize their creative potential by providing a personalized and rigorous learning environment and contributing to the cultural enrichment of the St. Thomas campus and communities.

Our classes will develop critical and creative thinking skills and nurture performance skills through training, practice and performances in band, choir and theater. Students’ performances and exhibitions are events attended by students, the community, and extending to state and national competitions.

Exploring music using the building blocks of music: melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, timbre and style. These blocks are the foundation for all music in all times and cultures. This class explores how they are used and relates them to current trends.

Teacher: Donald Thoede

Advanced Placement Music Theory is a full-year course designed to increase students’ musicianship through analysis, composition, aural skills training, and sight-singing training. Students prepare to take the AP Music Theory exam held in May. By studying music and principles from common-practice period music, students are able to increase their understanding and facility with music in as performers and listeners. This elective course is open to any Junior or Senior with instructor approval.

Teacher: Donald Thoede
Note: This is NOT a choir class, but rather an academic Music course open to anyone.

The Music Guild is a parent organization that supports the students in their musical endeavors. The members travel on trips, organize fundraisers, purchase equipment, provide food and organize concerts to give the directors and students freedom to perform. Membership to the guild is automatic when a student joins choir, band and strings. Meetings are held twice a semester. For more information contact Kari Coffey.

The Drama Guild is a parent organization that provides support for the spring and fall productions put on by the talented actors at St. Thomas and Drama Director Dan Green. Parents help with many facets of the production – sets, costumes, programs, ticket sales, concessions, hair and make-up, etc. For more information, contact

times Band has finished in the top 3 In TAPPS in the past 10 years
Choir students selected for TPSMEA All State Choir in the past 10 years
Theater performances & plays per school year
Students enrolled in more than one Visual Arts class


While this is only my first year in the program, I chose theater as my elective as I’ve always had something of a passion for film and I consider myself fairly outgoing. I enjoy challenging myself to grow in new ways, and theater has done just that for me. Theater, much like ceramics or drawing, is an art. That art of expression is perhaps the most important craft one could practice. The skills acquired in theater not only allow students to learn and broaden their horizons in an unprecedented manner, they are skills that will be used outside of the classroom. Theater serves as an enjoyable means for students to showcase their more creative side and challenges them to step out of their comfort zone, and perhaps surpass their own expectations.
Jordan Meloy, Senior, Theater
I enrolled in Printmaking because I wanted to take a class where I was able to move around while also learning to do something I have never done before. I enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the art classrooms where students are able to socialize with each other while getting work done. I also enjoy being able to create something with my own two hands. My favorite project is the one I am currently working on, a dragonfly carved into an 18 x 24 in piece of wood.
Nathaniel Newhouse, Senior, Printmaking II
I enrolled in photography because it was more or less or a requirement, but also because I alway wondered about the criteria for a good photograph. Now I am so glad that I took it because I learned how impactful a photo can be. I also was enrolled in Art History, Ceramics I, and Drawing for the same reason and result: a true appreciation of the art forms I’ve studied. The best thing about the visual arts program is that, unlike other classes, they are genuinely enjoyable classes that are extremely fun to participate in. The makes time for an enjoyable break from a busy, stressful schedule.
Grant Caillouet, Senior, Photography
I enrolled in visual art classes because I enjoy being creative and working with my hands to create something visually pleasing. I have taken all Ceramics I, II, and III classes and Printmaking I and II. I enjoy the relaxed class setting and the break from purely academic classes in my schedule. The art classes give me an opportunity to decompress during the school day.
Robert Wight, Senior, Ceramics III
I had enrolled in Fundamentals of Art because I wanted to further develop my drawing and painting skills. The visual arts program allows students to go into a creative space of thinking and I would like to learn how to create a piece of artwork using water colors.
Christopher Ezeude, Freshman, Fundamentals of Art
Art has always been something I enjoy and it is great to spend some time everyday drawing during school. I enjoy the big projects the most, especially when we are able to be as free as possible on what the subject or style is. I find it satisfying to work on something for a long time and be pleased with the end result. My favorite project was the candy still life because it was a detailed drawing in which we could experiment with color and perspective.
Henry Adair, Junior, Drawing I
I enrolled in choir because singing is something I really enjoy and I would really like to get better. I really enjoy the friendships that are made in the class because we all have things in common, other than choir. I love choir because I get the chance to do something I love, which makes my high school experience so fun. If you have the slightest interest in singing, I strongly suggest you join.
Landrus Flanagan, Junior, Choir
I enrolled in Band because of my interest in music. I wanted to be involved in an extracurricular activity where I can best express my interests. I’ve been involved in Band for all 4 years of my high school career. I most enjoy the camaraderie between us band members. We all share similar interests in music and I think that’s what brings us all together.
Marco Orellana, Senior, Band