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45+ Student Clubs & Organizations
Students who participate in extracurricular activities reap the benefit of the total St. Thomas educational experience.
To enrich the learning experience, STH sponsors many organizations to give your son the opportunity for school and social service and to pursue activities in various fields of interest. Student participation in these organizations is highly encouraged.
The 3D Printing Club offers students the opportunity to learn more about and practice 3D printing. Members will print creations from other designers, create and modify their own models, and experiment with various finishing techniques. No experience is required, and newcomers will be guided through the process of 3D printing. To inquire, please email Dr. Conboy by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Claire Conboy, Faculty, Department of Science
Acts of holy service strengthen faith, offer the opportunity to discover our vocation, and, ultimately, express deep love for Christ. The Ad Altare Dei Society offers interested students the opportunity to learn and practice the honor of altar serving, ultimately realizing the gift of spiritual connection. The Latin words ‘Ad Altare Dei’ mean ‘to the altar of God’. To take part, please email Mr. Johnson by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Casey Johnson, Faculty (Theology) and Director of Liturgy
Join us! Please reach out to Mr. Romero by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Noel Romero ’08, Faculty, Department of Science
Sponsor Contact: William Davenport, Faculty, Department of Fine Arts
The Asian Culture Club is a student-led exploration of the diverse cultures in East, Southeast, and South Asia. In addition to celebrating major international holidays like the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lunar New Year, we take time to appreciate unique individual cultures within the Asian continent. Contact Ms. Lee by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Lorin Lee, Dean, Department of Math and Department of Languages
To access the Asian Culture Club Fall Fair video, CLICK HERE.
Mission: Through weekly Bible study, group dialogue and prayer, students will have the opportunity to develop and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. To join or ask questions, email Coach Q by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Andrew Quittenton, Dean of Theology/Director of Campus Ministry
Sponsor Contact: Danny Baker, Faculty, Department of Social Studies
The mission of Brothers Under the Cross is to live an active life of discipleship with others, and build true brotherhood bound by spiritual truths. All who desire to grow their faith in Christ through discussion and service to others are welcome.
To join, please email Mr. Romero by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Noel Romero ’08, Faculty, Department of Science
Sponsor Contact: Chelette Stephenson, Director of Counseling
The mission of our Cancer Awareness Club is to create dialogue, awareness, and concrete actions to help eradicate cancer. Fundraising is a critical piece of the solution, as well as educating others of the urgency for action. Countless families, students and faculty at St.Thomas have personally struggled with cancer. New members and their creative ideas are the lifeblood of this club; please join if you are a current student. To join, please email Coach Labus by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Nathan Labus, Faculty, Departments of Science & Physical Education
With roots preceding the early 19th century, the game of poker continues to fascinate millions of people. The Casino Club offers students a space to learn, practice, and develop critical thinking as they engage in poker and related games. In addition to playing for fun, tournaments will be held to benefit charity. To join, please email Mr. Romero by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Noel Romero ’08, Faculty, Department of Science
The Chess Club meets in the Learning Commons. Chess Club activities are designed for both the recreational and tournament-competitive mindset. To join, please reach out to Mr. Waggenspack by clicking on his name below.
Contact: Andrew Waggenspack, Faculty, Department of Social Studies
Sponsor Contact: Chelette Stephenson, Director of Counseling
Open to any Eagle interested in learning or mastering coding skills and programming. Formerly known as the Java Club, the Coding Club is dedicated to sharpening skills and having fun as well. To join, please email Mrs. Woodlief by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Deanna Woodlief, Faculty, Department of Instructional Technology
The purpose of the Cooking Club is to encourage a love for culinary arts, and to create an official St. Thomas High Cookbook. All Eagles are welcome to join. To join, please email Ms. Cassaro or Mrs. Hartfield by clicking on either name below.
Sponsor Contacts: Mary Cassaro, Dean, Department of Mathematics & Kate Hartfield, Dean of Professional Development
Cubing, which refers to the solving of mechanical puzzles, is among the most popular diversions for our students. Competitive speedsolving and advancing the mastery of algorithms are the ultimate goals, though this group welcomes interest at any level. To inquire and join the group, click on Mr. Voltz’s name below.
Sponsor Contact: Maxwell Voltz, Faculty, Department of Mathematics
The Cycling Club came into existence to share a love for cycling, and to also encourage participation and fundraising for the Texas MS150. Cyclists of any level are welcome to join the fun. To inquire and join our club team, please click on Dr. Segura’s name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Marino Segura, Faculty, Department of World Languages
The STH Drama Club is a group like no other on campus. Comprising students from St. Thomas, St. Agnes, Duchesne, and Incarnate Word, the 70+ students perform two major shows every year. The students, parents, alumni, little brothers, little sisters, and faculty all work together to produce these magnificent shows. No experience is necessary! To join in the fun, please contact Mr. Green by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dan Green, Faculty, Department of English and Department of Fine Arts
The Dungeons and Dragons Club celebrates the classic fantasy game and helps promote leadership skills, critical thinking, decision-making, and the opportunity to socialize with other D&D players. Join in anytime, and don’t forget to bring your imagination. To join, please contact Mr. Seehausen by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Daniel Seehausen, Faculty, Department of Social Studies
The Esports Club engages in online casual playing, as well as competitions. Our club team has performed strongly at many competitions and would welcome new players to fortify their team further. To join, please contact Mr. Romero by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Noel Romero ’08, Faculty, Department of Science
The Eagle Investors club is designed to learn the art of stock trading, as well as weighing the value of various mutual funds and cryptos. Guest speakers will be offered for their insight and best practices, such as chart trading and other valuable skills. This club delves further into the aforementioned areas than the Business Club would, concentrating solely on the topic of investing. All interested Eagles are welcome. Please contact Ms. Fettig by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor: Chrissy Fettig, Faculty, Department of Mathematics
Sponsor Contact: Casey Johnson, Faculty (Theology) and Director of Liturgy
The Eagles of Faith is a Bible study club, designed to better understand and internalize God’s promises to us. Life calls for fortification of our spirit, which this club will offer through straightforward studying of biblical teachings. All Eagles are welcome and encouraged to join us. Please click on Mr. Dubose’s name below to inquire about upcoming meetings.
Sponsor Contact: Roy Dubose, Faculty, Department of Theology
The film club will introduce members to movies they unlikely have not viewed yet, while appreciating the art and history of each. All are welcome. To be part of this club, please click on Mr. Baker’s name below to request the date of our next meeting.
Sponsor Contact: Danny Baker, Faculty, Department of Social Studies
This club is for any interested Eagle who enjoys playing flag football. Games occur before school and during Community time, offering the chance to run off stress and build camaraderie. To participate, email Dr. Modica by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Michael Modica, Faculty, Department of Social Studies
For the die-hard Foosball fan, this club proudly stands. Any level of player is welcome. Interested students are welcome to join in the fun at our Student Rec Center after school and during lunches. Questions may be directed to Mr. Joe O’Brien at
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Aaron Dominguez, Staff, Prinicipal
The Hispanic Association is all about building a rich community of students from every background, who are passionate for Hispanic culture. Meetings will focus upon Hispanic accomplishments, challenges, social concerns, and the importance of educating others about these topics. To join, please email Dr.Segura by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Marino Segura, Faculty, Department of World Languages
Students at STH can indulge their love for this sport at any level through the Indoor Volleyball club. Please reach out to Mrs. Dowdy to inquire about the next gathering by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Rebecca Dowdy, Dean, Department of Science
Named in honor of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, this club exists to respond and act with urgency to the current ecological crisis. We uphold the truth that “Nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live.” (Francis (LS 139). Our group humbly seeks to improve our local environment, decrease our carbon footprint, and build our appreciation for ecological systems and wildlife. To join, email Mrs. Dowdy by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Rebecca Dowdy, Dean, Department of Science
The LEGO club will allow students to design new models and compete with one another in a format similar to the TV series ‘LEGO Master’. It is intended to be a fun opportunity to hang out with friends who share a love of all things LEGO. To join, please email Dr. Nordloh by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Pete Nordloh, Faculty, Department of Science
Model UN is a simulated United Nations conference in which students will role-play as country representatives and debate significant international issues. Preparation involves meeting twice a month in the fall and weekly in January in preparation for the two-day conference in early February. Please contact Mr. Yarbrough by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Darrell Yarbrough, Faculty, Department of English
The purpose of the Ping-Pong Club is to further the enjoyment and social development intrinsic to the sport. Students who would like to join are always welcome; we practice often at the Student Activities Center on campus. All are welcome! For questions about Ping Pong, please reach out to Mrs. Looper by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Veronica Looper, Co-Director of Student Activities and Service
Sponsor Contact: Kate Hartfield, Dean of Professional Growth & Development
Highly competitive, team-based, academic competitions via trivia tournaments. All are welcome; please contact Mr. Erickson by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor contact: Mr. Michael Erickson, Faculty, Department of Science
Students build robots in the VEX robotics system and complete locally with other schools. This is both a mechanical engineering and programming challenge. Competitions are held at the state, national and international level. All are welcome!
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Claire Conboy, Faculty, Department of Science
To access the Robotics Fall Fair video, click here.
The Rock Climbing club is open to all Eagles who are interested in learning and safely practicing rock climbing. Logistics involve the need to meet off-campus at specific local facilities; all students who are interested are encouraged to be part of the group. Inquire with our moderator by clicking his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Danny Hernandez, Director of Retreats; Faculty, Department of Theology

Students design, build and launch model rockets in the annual TARC (Team America Rocketry Challenge) competition.More information about the club can be found at Email questions to Dr. Nordloh by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Pete Nordloh, Faculty, Department of Science
The Speech and Debate Club is fun way to develop communication skills and make new friends. This group competes in speech tournaments around Houston and across the nation. To join, please email Mr. Yarbrough by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Darrell Yarbrough, Faculty, Department of English

Get involved in the voice of STH by joining in on completely student-run media: The Eagle Newswpaper and website, Aquin Yearbook and website, and the Eagle Broadcast Network. Whether it’s writing, layout, photography, graphic design or social media, there are a variety of fields you can specialize in and learn more about journalism and communications. Learn what it takes to put together nationally-award-winning media and build your skill set to be successfull in college media and communications internships. Participate in live event coverage on social media or be an anchor on the daily morning news. Anyone is eligible to join. To join, please email Ms. Swanson by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Imani Swanson, Faculty, Department of Communications & Technology
The Tabletop Gaming Club is open to all students who love board games of any kind, as well as trading cards like Magic The Gathering and Pokemon. We delve into a range of traditional games, like Monopoly and Risk, to contemporary games like Ultimate Werewolf or the Century series. Click on Dr. Nordloh’s name below to email him with your interest in joining.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Pete Nordloh, Faculty, Department of Science
The Tolton Society is the Black Student Union of St. Thomas High School. It is named in honor of Fr. Augustus Tolton who was the first Black American priest in the United States. The Tolton Society is a student-led organization that seeks to foster understanding through knowledge, idea-sharing, and better awareness of the issues that face African American culture. The Tolton Society will also take a deep dive into many different cultures, to better equip our students with education and awareness of their own culture and the cultures of their neighbors. To join, please email Ms. Swanson or Mr. Keaton by clicking either name below.
Sponsor Contacts: Imani Swanson, Faculty, Communications & Technology; Jamar Keaton, College Counselor
The Ultimate Frisbee team is an intramural program in which students learn to play Ultimate Frisbee competitively with other students. We play against other local schools throughout the year, as well as compete in a state tournament in May. To join, please email Coach Labus by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Nathan Labus, Faculty, Departments of Science & Physical Education
Welding is the process of applying heat to metal pieces, then fusing them to form a bond. It may sound straightforward, but this trade skill requires sound logic and critical math skills to perfect. Students who would like to explore this opportunity should contact Mr. Gensheimer by clicking on his name below; note that this organization is more of a class, and a fee is required for all participants.
Sponsor Contact: Philip Gensheimer, Faculty, Department of Social Studies
Sponsor Contact: Marisa Gonzalez, Wellness Counselor
Wiffle ball enthusiasts of every skill level are welcome to join our club to play. If you are interested, please email Mr. Hernandez, whose name is linked below.
Sponsor Contact: Danny Hernandez, Faculty, Departments of Theology and World Languages, Director of Retreats
Eligibility- or Application-based Clubs
While most of our clubs are open for all to join, these require additional steps, such as an application process, or eligibility requirements.
The St. Thomas Chapter of the Computer Science Honor Society strives to uphold the Mission of the school – Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge – with an emphasis on the Honor Society’s Core Values – Equity, Service and Excellence. In the Computer Science Honor Society, we instill the values of strong leadership and service. Being a member of the Computer Science Honor Society is a privilege and achievement-based. Questions may be emailed to Mrs. Woodlief, by clicking her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Deanna Woodlief, Faculty, Department of Instructional Technology
The Eagle Guard is a decades-old tradition at St. Thomas, known for its ability to bring spirit and momentum to every athletic event. The Eagle Guard is comprised of approximately twelve students, juniors and seniors, who help lead loud cheers at games, run the flag out onto the field before kickoff, guard Tom Eagle (our mascot), and much more. They live the phrase “Eagle Fight Never Dies.” Our Eagle Guard is proud to stand united with the STH Band and STH Cheerleaders at all times. If you think you are up to the challenge, listen for announcements to apply during our Spring Semester! #EFND
Sponsor Contact: Kenny Martin, Department of Advancement
The St. Thomas Chapter of the National Honor Society strives to combine the mission of the school – upholding goodness, discipline, and knowledge – with that of the National Honor Society. We are an organization that recognizes and encourages superior academic achievement, while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. In the St. Thomas Chapter of NHS, we prepare future leaders for global citizenship through each member’s commitment to excellence in learning, leadership development, school and community service, and the highest standards of personal character. Being a member of the St. Thomas Chapter of the National Honor Society is an honor and a privilege. Please contact Dr. Conboy by clicking on her name below.
Sponsor Contact: Dr. Claire Conboy, Faculty, Department of Science
Juniors interested in joining for the next school year: please contact Coach Q by clicking on his name below, or watch/listen for announcements advertising this opportunity in the springtime.
Sponsor Contact: Andrew Quittenton, Dean of Theology, Director of Campus Ministry

Assist the head athletic trainer with first aid, hydration, rehab, and treatment of STH athletes. To apply, please contact Mr. Valdez by clicking on his name below.
Sponsor Contact: Chris Valdez, Staff, Athletic Trainer

Our student council is comprised of eight grade Representatives, and the executive cabinet assembled by the elected Student Body President and Vice President.
The Council is the voice of every student at STH, and advocates for all important matters, whether the topic is senior privileges, or allocating raised funds to best optimize Eagle life. For all concerns that impact our students, our Council firmly stands.
Student Body President: Mathew Michael ’25
Student Body Vice President: Charles Porter Garza ’25
Questions are welcome; our moderator is Veronica Looper, Co-Director of Student Activities and Service