How does participation in sports contribute to the overall educational experience at St. Thomas?

A well-rounded high school experience should include the ability to participate in sports. If your son is looking to excel in the classroom and on the field of competition, he will find that opportunity at St. Thomas High School. We provide an environment where our student-athletes learn the value of hard work, dedication, and perseverance [...]

By |2023-09-05T10:28:52-05:00July 10th, 2023||0 Comments

What athletic teams are offered?

At St. Thomas High School, we take pride in our wide range of sports teams, offering 12 different sports at various levels, including varsity, junior varsity, and freshman. We have 10 teams that compete in the Texas Association of Private and Parochial School (TAPPS) and participate in the 6A - Division 1 level. Our [...]

By |2023-09-05T10:52:41-05:00June 7th, 2023||0 Comments

Can students play multiple sports?

Yes, students have the opportunity to join up to three sports in a single school year, as long as they do not occur in the same season. Roughly two-thirds of our student body participates in at least one varsity sport each season. To accommodate various skill levels, we offer Freshman, Junior Varsity, and Varsity teams [...]

By |2023-09-01T14:00:26-05:00June 7th, 2023||0 Comments
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